Registration of Attendance or Non-Attendance
Registration of attendance or non-attendance for each academic year is compulsory
A student must register attendance (presence) or non-attendance (absence) for every academic year/every semester. The registration must be done either for the full academic year or only for one semester during the period specified by the UAS. Attendance registration guarantees the student’s enrolment and right to attend courses.
For the first study year, you register for attendance or non-attendance in the My Studyinfo-Service after you have accepted your study place.
- The last date for registering your attendance or non-attendance for the academic year/fall semester is 10th of September.
- The last date for registering your attendance or non-attendance for the spring semester is 10th of January.
If your admission is subject to a condition, you cannot register before the condition has been removed.
Please note that if you are a fee-paying student, you cannot register for attendance before you have paid the tuition fee. When Novia UAS has received your tuition fee payment for your first study year, the Admissions Services will register your attendance.
International students who do not receive a residence permit in time for their study start need to register as attending. You need to register as attending regardless of if you start your studies online online or if you wait until you get your residence permit approved before you start your studies.
If your study start is transferred to the following semester/academic year due to a delayed residence permit, you can later apply for a transfer of the deposited tuition fee. Note that a precondition for a transfer is that no studies have been completed within the study right.
Restrictions on the right to register non-attendance
According to the University of Applied Sciences Act (932/2014), a first-year student may register as non-attending (absent) for the academic year for the following reasons only:
- the student performs service in accordance with the Conscription Act (1438/2007), Non-Military Service Act (1446/2007), or Act on Women's Voluntary Military Service (194/1995);
- the student needs to be free from studies to care for their child in connection with the birth or adoption of the child (14.1.2022/53); or
- the student is unable to initiate her/his studies due to personal illness or injury.
The following certificate(s), which provide the legal grounds for your absence as stated in paragraphs 1 to 3 above, shall be submitted in accordance with the instructions of the University of Applied Sciences:
- Finnish military service, non-military service, or women's voluntary military service call-up order or conscript card.
- Certificate from the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA) regarding maternity, paternity or parental allowance period or, if the certificate has not yet been received, a medical certificate regarding the pregnancy, or corresponding certificates from the authorities of other countries regarding statutory parental leave.
- Sickness allowance decision or, if no decision exists, a medical certificate.
Certificates must be submitted in Swedish, Finnish, or English no later than 10 September. Certificates should be sent to Admissions Services as a confidential message via securemail.novia.fi.
The student has the right to exercise the statutory right to register as absent for the first academic year regardless of when the obstacle exists. Also, if the statutory reason falls only in the spring semester, the student has the right to register as absent for the entire first year within the established enrollment period (no later than 10.9). The student has the right to change their semester registration for the spring semester during the time 1st of December - 10th of January.
This means that if the statutory reason for absence falls solely in the one semester (e.g., military service begins in January), the student may, if they wish, register their non-attendance for the entire academic year. Students may also change their spring semester attendance registration to non-attendance during the spring semester enrollment period.
If a statutory reason arises after the enrollment periods end, the existing semester notification is not changed, but the matter is later taken into account if the student claims additional time.
If the student does not submit necessary documents before the end of the enrollment period, the student loses their right to study. Students may apply for reinstatement of the right of study according to the same principles as those who lost their right to study due to neglect. The reinstated right of study is chargeable.
A student who takes advantage of their statutory right to be absent due to personal injury or illness (paragraph 3) at the same time takes advantage of their right to be registered as absent for a total of two semesters. Partial studies cannot be conducted if the student takes advantage of the right to non-attendance.
Other statutory absences (paragraphs 1-2) are not included in the right of students to be absent for a total of two semesters.
The provisions apply to students undertaking full-time and part-time studies and studies for higher University of Applied Sciences degrees.
Admissions Services
E-mail admissions@novia.fi
Securemail service: securemail.novia.fi
Phone hours: Monday-Friday between 11.45 and 13.45 (Finnish time):
Phone +358 (0)6 328 5055
Fax +358 (0)6 328 5117
Student Services
E-mail: studentservices@novia.fi
Front Office opening hours on Campus:
Monday 9 am - 11.30 am
Wednesday 1.30 pm - 3 pm
Thursday 9 am - 11.30 am