If you believe that there has been a mistake in the student selection and the admission criteria have not been applied correctly, you can do a written request for rectification within 14 days after all student selection results have been published.
Applicants not satisfied with the decision on student admission should first and foremost contact Admissions Services.
If you are not satisfied with the answer given by Admissions Services, you can make an appeal to the Appeals Committee at Novia UAS ("nämnden för studierättsärenden"). Appeal can be made, if the applicant can prove satisfactorily that an error was made by the authority in the university of applied sciences in evaluation of the applicant according to the rules and regulations of the admission process.
Appeal based on personal circumstances (difficult life situation, misunderstanding, health reasons) or e.g. possible errors made by post offices and so on will not be considered as valid reasons for appeal. Student admission decision can be changed only in those cases where it is clearly shown that the UAS has not followed the student admission criteria. Therefore, the appeal must be well-grounded and it should contain accurate information on where the polytechnic/UAS has not followed the criteria.
Address: Novia University of Applied Sciences Appeals Committee/Nämnden för studierättsärenden P.O. BOX 6 FI-65201 Vaasa FINLAND