Novia UAS as an employer

Work at Novia UAS
Novia UAS employs a staff of around 350 persons. Most of them work within teaching and are professionals and research, development and innovation and specialists within their own fields. The remaining staff work with various tasks, e.g. Students guidance, ICT Service, Quality management, Planning and development, International Services, HR, Communication and marketing, or Finance Department.
Through annual individual performance reviews the quality of knowledge is guaranteed to comply with the presupposed level of knowledge needed in order to fully execute the tasks set and meet the goals set within the organization. Staff satisfaction is gauged every three years by means of a survey. Objects of development are chosen, and measures are agreed upon, based on the results of this survey.
Novia UAS staff are provided with excellent occupational health services at all locations.
Within Novia UAS, the work can be carried out flexibly at our different locations and also remotely, in case it is expedient in view of the task.
We at Novia UAS want to serve as a platform for new knowledge and education and together with working life contribute to change the world. That is why we focus on the development of employees' personal skills, well-being and careers. This is accomplished, among other things, by offering employees in-house tailored short courses and trainings, as well as opportunities to complete their doctoral studies during working hours.
Open positions
Via the link below you will find all available jobs listed as well as a link to the application. You can apply to a vacant position at Novia UAS via the Grande Varbi recruitment tool. Read the instructions carefully and prepare the appendices in time, as your application must be submitted within the set deadline.
Jobs are listed here.
Do you have any technical questions about your application? Please contact rekry@novia.fi.
For other questions about the tasks and the application process, please contact the named contact persons in the announcement.