Specialisation Studies
Specialisation studies means that you build on your own knowledge and skills. The studies themselves do not confer any certain eligibility or degree. The programmes are long lasting and include at least 30 cr. The programmes are suitable for you who
- want to deepen your expertise
- needs broader and interprofessional skills
- works as an expert in different communities and networks
- focus on more demanding expert tasks

Specialisation studies are organised within a larger network consisting of higher education institutions in Finland. The programmes are conducted in close cooperation with working life. The specialisation studies offered by Novia UAS are usually in Swedish, but good ability to understand Finnish (and English) is required because some study literature is in another language.
The specialisation studies for the academic year 2024-25 are presented here.
Novia has offered the following specialisation studies over the years
As mentioned before, the specialisation studies offered at Novia are in general in Swedish.
- Specialiseringsutbildning i interprofessionell kompetens inom utvecklingen av digitaliseringen inom social- och hälsovård, 30 sp
- Specialiseringsutbildning inom akutvårdsarbete, 30 sp
- Specialiseringsutbildning inom välfärdsteknologi för hemvården, 30 sp
- Specialiseringsutbildning för sakkunniga inom palliativ vård, 30 sp
- Specialiseringsutbildning i klient- och servicehandledning, 30 sp
- Specialiseringsutbildning inom mental- och missbrukarvård, 30 sp
- Specialiseringsutbildning i barnskyddsarbete, 30 sp
- Specialiseringsutbildning inom Bioekonomi, 30 sp 2019
- Specialiseringsutbildning inom musik- och dockteater, 30 sp