
Completing specialisation studies means that you build on your own knowledge and skills. The studies themselves do not confer any certain eligibility or degree. A non-degree student is not entitled to study social benefits such as student financial aid from KELA, student health care from FSHS or study card providing other benefits.

Studies when Unemployed

Are you unemployed and thinking about studies? Start by contacting the employment and economic agency (TE Services) where you are a customer for correct answers to questions related to opportunities and limitations regarding non-degree studies. Novia UAS does not take a position on such issues.

Interprofessionell hälsa och välfärd

Certificate after Completed Studies

After the specialisation studies are completed and you have been approved in all achievements, you will receive a certificate.
Certificates are not issued for parts of the studies.

Termination of Studies

It is important to remember that if you terminate specialisation studies, it is not possible to resume the studies even if the same specialication studies would be arranged later again. You are welcome to re-enroll in the same programme, even if you have previously terminated your studies, but please notice that your previous studies cannot be accredited.