
The objective of the education is to train competent and versatile captains for the national, European and international traffic. The main tasks of a sea captain include being responsible for and maneuvering a vessel, and transporting cargo in such a way which is safe for both people and the environment. The education also offers bases for functioning in leading positions in land-based organizations within the maritime field.

The training fulfils the requirements set in the international Convention on the Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW Convention).

Study Content

The studies consist of:

  • Basic Studies
  • Professional Studies
  • Elective Studies
  • Onboard Training
  • Thesis


The core studies cover the duties of Deck Officers.

Which are made up of the following subjects:

  • Navigation
  • Seamanship
  • Ship Technology
  • Cargo Handling
  • Radio Communication

A large part of the education is realised through on-board training and the school’s simulator bridges.

The degree programme studies are divided into three levels.

These levels must be completed as follows:

  • Support Level (Watchman Deck)

After completing support level studies, including practical training (after 1 year), you can apply for the certificate of competence for Watchman Deck. After you have obtained this, it is possible to complete the rest of your practical training as a paid crew member.

  • Operational Level (Watch Officer Deck)

After completing operational level, including guided practical training (after an additional 2 years), you can apply for the certificate of competence for Watch Officer Deck.

  • Management Level (Captain)

To be able to apply for your certificate of competence as a Master Mariner, you must first complete your Bachelor of Maritime Management degree and gain work experience as a Deck Officer on international trade ships.

The certificate of competence (Masters License) is issued by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom).


Area of Specialisation and Research Focus

The education leads to a master mariner competency. The training fulfils the requirements set in the international Convention on the Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW Convention).

Research Focus: Simulation and Automation

In shipping, some major trends can be distinguished. Maritime traffic is increasing and ships are getting faster while energy consumption has to be minimized. Global climate change, among other things, leads to the opening of new shipping lanes in the polar regions.

The cognitive burden is increasing and the demands in command bridge work are tightened. The crews often become multicultural and smaller.

In order for them to work safely and meet the new expectations, new working routines, new technologies and better tools must be developed.

Particularly important is the knowledge of ice navigation, safe navigation and flexibility at work.

All of these areas can be built up and tested using ship simulators.

MasterSIM: Developing of Remote Operation Simulator & Training programme for Remote Operators

Bachelor of Maritime Management, Maritime Management, Captain

  • Field of study: Technology and Seafaring
  • Extent: 4,5 years 270 Credits
  • Form: Bachelor's Degree - daytime studies
  • Location: Turku
  • Application period:

Previous Knowledge

You can apply for Bachelor of Maritime Management, Maritime Management, Captain if you have completed

  • Senior secondary school degree and/or university degree


Scholarships and Tuition Fees

The studies are free for EU/EEA citizens. Tuition fee for non-EU/EEA students is set to 10 000 euro for the academic year 2025-2026.

Tuition fee-paying (non EU/EEA) students can apply for a scholarship. Read more about tuition fees and scholarships on the Admissions Services pages.


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Studerande i grupp

Degree Project

The bachelor’s thesis comprises 15 ECTS. It often acts as a link between studies and working life and provides students with an opportunity to apply theoretical models to practical problems. The thesis becomes a part of the student’s competence profile. It can consist of internal and/or external commissions, joint projects, or other projects related to working life.

These can be, for example:

  • research (e.g. investigation, survey, analysis and/or evaluation)
  • a development work (e.g. development of working methods or activities)
  • product or service development (e.g. a prototype or model)
  • a plan or product (e.g. an event, design of a material such as a guide/manual or manual)

Continuing Education Opportunities

After completing the Bachelor’s Degree it is possible to continue to Masters level studies at Universities or Universities of Applied Sciences.

Career Opportunities

Graduates from the degree programme in Maritime Management are professional and versatile master mariners, qualified for Finnish, European, and International careers. The first self-evident career is at sea can be as officers on board any type of vessel. Shore based careers within the maritime industry are underpinned by a sufficient career at sea. The maritime industry offers land based positions within authorities, shipping companies, brokers, insurance companies, yards, logistics, and so on.


Students can participate in international activity by:

  • studying as an exchange student for a semester or an academic year at one of our partner schools around the world
  • doing an internship abroad
  • participating in intensive courses and projects with international students

We aim at strengthening our international profile in the EU primarily in the Nordic and Baltic Sea region. Novia UAS is actively involved in various programs and building a network of strategic partner institutions and other stakeholders in Europe.

Erasmus Partner Schools

  • Belgium: Antwerp Maritime Academy
  • Croatia: University of Split
  • Latvia: Liepaja Maritime College
  • Lithuania: Lithuanian Maritime Academy
  • Netherlands: Maritiem Instituut Willem Barentsz
  • Spain: University of Cadiz
  • Turkey: Dokuz Eylül Universitetsi
  • Germany: Hochschule Emden/Leer, Jade Hochschule, Bremen City UAS

Nordplus Network Partners

  • Finland: Högskolan på Åland
  • Sweden: Chalmers tekniska högskola
  • Norway: Högskolen i Vestfold

Other Partners

  • Philippines: GigaMare Training Center

Novia UAS takes an active part in the development of continuing education at GigaMare, where Novia UAS is a partner.

Language of Instruction

The degree programme is offered in English.

Cooperation With Other Actors

The simulation resources of Aboa Mare (Novia) consist of ten simulator bridges, engine room simulators, VTS (Vessel Traffic System) simulator, DP (Dynamic Positioning) –simulator and radio simulator. Aboa Mare can offer training on CONSILIUM, FURUNO, SAM Electronics Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum, SPERRY and TRANSAS Wärtsilä Voyage bridges in its simulator.

With Aboa Mares own developed simulator interface Aboa Mare can generate technical faults to the real navigational instruments on the bridges. Aboa Mares staff consists of 40 simulator instructors with a wide range of experience in shipping.

Major shipping companies (for example Viking Line, Tallink Silja and Neste Oil) are training their officers in Aboa Mares simulators. Aboa Mare also have extensive co-operation with companies in research and other projects, for example ABB, Wärtsilä, Elomatic and Eniram.
Aboa Mare have a long tradition of pilotage training and examination, simulator training in critical situations and today a big effort is put into ice navigation and energy-efficient ship operations.

Aboa Mare is authorized by the Finnish Maritime Administration to deliver STCW maritime education and to arrange pilot exemption exams for the Finnish fairways. We are also audited by IALA to arrange VTS operator training according to the IALA standard and by Nautical Institute to arrange DP training. The quality of our training is guaranteed by the DNV ISO 9001 standard.

Continuing Education Opportunities

After completing the Bachelor’s Degree it is possible to continue to Masters level studies at Universities or Universities of Applied Sciences.

At Novia University of Applied Sciences we offer Master’s Degree studies in Autonomous Maritime Operations and in Maritime Management.

Webinar for Applicants to Bachelor's Degree Programmes

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply?

Career Opportunities

Graduates from the degree programme in Maritime Management are professional and versatile master mariners, qualified for Finnish, European and International careers. The first self-evident career is at sea can be as officers on board any type of vessel. Shore based careers within the maritime industry are underpinned by a sufficient career at sea. The maritime industry offers land based positions within authorities, shipping companies, brokers, insurance companies, yards, logistics, and so on.

Head of Degree Programme
petteri niittymaki

Petteri Niittymäki

Senior Lecturer

Hertig Johans parkgata 21
20100 ÅBO

Apply to Become a Captain!

Apply for Maritime Management, Captain at studyinfo.fi.

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Novia University of Applied Sciences participates in several different student fairs and events. Our own students who are trained PR tutors visit secondary education schools across Finland. If you want to book a visit to your school or high school please contact Julia Mård, julia.mard@novia.fi and we will help you!

DNV ENG certifikat

Novia UAS quality management is certified according to the ISO 9001 quality standard. This means that every year our entire business is audited by DNV. This is to ensure the best quality and constant development of Novia UAS.