For Secondary Education Students
Are you a student in a General Upper Secondary Education or in Vocational Education and Training?
Are you interested in trying out studies in a UAS? Do you feel like you want to get a little more in the context of your studies?
Welcome to complement your studies with us and at the same time you have the opportunity to have a smoother transition from secondary education studies to UAS studies.
In Open UAS, we offer path studies, 30 credits for those who want to start degree studies.
Your student counsellor in your own school will help you on this path together with us and our student counsellors.
All Open UAS studies at Novia UAS are free of charge for those studying in secondary education schools. If you are not interested nor have the opportunity to participate via the Open UAS path, 30 cr, you can participate in any of the courses or modules we offer. Familiarise yourself with our course selection and inform us if/when you fill your application that you are a secondary education student.
For Teachers and Study Councellors in Secondary Education
We are developing our activities and are happy to cooperate with you.
Please, contact us at if you have good ideas or wishes concerning our cooperation.
Let us know your phone number and we will call you!
Meet Us!
We at Novia UAS are happy to meet you! Here you will find information about student fairs in which Novia participates, as well as how a study visit can be arranged.