Integrated - for those who want to participate in Novia's regular range of degree education
Are you interested in studying within a specific degree programme at Novia UAS, but are not necessarily aiming for degree studies? Then integrated studies can be an option for you!
Through Open UAS, you can register for studying at a specific degree programme without necessarily yet knowing exactly what courses you want to take during the time you have right to study. Registration for courses takes place separately and requires the approval of Head of Degree Programme or course teachers. Some courses have requirements on previous knowledge.

You can find Novia's courses and current curricula via our study guide. Familiarize yourself with the curricula and course plans to find interesting courses for you! You can also find information about when and where the courses are realized via the study guide.
You apply for integrated studies via our enrollment system. If you already know which course(s) you wish to complete, you can note it on the registration form.