Contact Us
Contact details and billing information for Novia University of Applied Sciences

Tel +358 (0)6 328 5000, Fax +358 (0)6 328 5110
Registrator registrator@novia.fi
Wolffintie 31 (Alere) and Wolffintie 33 (Engineering and Business Administration)
Technobothnia, Puuvillakuja 3
65200 Vaasa
Henrikinkatu 7
Hämeenkatu 13, Gripen, 2nd Floor (socionom)
20500 Turku
Aboa Mare, Auriga Business Center, Juhana Herttuan puistokatu 21
20100 Turku
tel +358 (0)2 432 3000
Raaseporintie 9
10600 Tammisaari
tel +358 (0)19 224 8000 (Switchboard)
Campus Allegro, Kauppiaankatu 10
68600 Pietarsaari
tel +358 (0)6 328 5821
Invoice Information
Ab Yrkeshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi / Novia University of Applied Sciences
Business ID: 2059910-2
VAT Number: FI20599102
If you have any queries, please contact: ekonomi@novia.fi
Online Invoices
EDI Code: 003720599102
Operator: Basware Oyj
Operator ID: BAWCFI22
PDF Invoices can also be sent to: novia@bscs.basware.com
Paper Invoices
Ab Yrkeshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi/Yrkeshögskolan Novia
PB 853
All invoices should contain a reference:
Name and institution of the person sending invoice/Cost Centre
Project number (where possible)
Please note that the shipping address is different than the billing address!
Admissions Service
Wolffintie 33
65200 Vaasa
Tel +358 (0) 6 328 5555
Fax +358 (0) 6 328 5117
Student Services
We will help you with study-related issues. If you are enrolled at Novia UAS as a student, you will primarily find information on the intranet (requires login). If you haven't yet activated your IT account, you can do so via the Novia UAS Self Service Portal. If you do not have Finnish bank codes or a Finnish mobile authentication, you can contact us for further instructions, studentservices@novia.fi. You can find our contact details and more information about our tasks on the page Student Services.
NCU Audited
Novia University of Applied Sciences has been approved by the National Centre for Educational Evaluation (NCU) which is responsible for the evaluation of higher education institutions in Finland. The Council for the Evaluation of Colleges approved Novia UAS in an audit in January 2019 and, thus, the polytechnic was granted the national quality stamp for six years.