Vindkraft - Markanvändningsavtryck av storskalig vindkraft - Markanvändningsavtryck av storskalig vindkraft

Svenska kulturfonden

Period: 21.12.2021 - 18.3.2024

Content: What are the land use impacts due to wind power in terms of habitat loss and forest landscape fragmentation? Are there effects on forestry? To what extent do existing and proposed wind farms overlap with the distribution of birds? This project will address these questions using state-of-the-art species distribution modelling, a spatial land conservation prioritization software, remote sensing, and geographic information system (GIS) techniques.

Focus area: Bioekonomi och hållbart nyttjande av naturresurser

Campus: Raseborg

Financers: Svenska kulturfonden

Project owner: YH Novia

Project manager: Patrik Byholm