OPCW - Organic pollutants in coastal waters, plankton communities and benthic fauna

Svenska kulturfonden

Period: 17.4.2020 - 14.8.2023

Content: Presence, propagation and effect of medicinal residues, resistant flame retardants and new potential fluorinated organic pollutants on the coastal waters, with a focus on water quality, plankton and bottom fauna.

Project in Brief (Objectives, Measures, Results): Environmental samples (water, plankton, bottom sediments) will be taken in the coastal waters , including Pojoviken and Tvärminne to determine the chemicalization of the surrounding environment. In addition, we will perform aquarium experiments to determine under controlled forms how the different compounds accumulate or decay depending on varying temperature. From fauna, we measure stress and levels of fatty acids as an indicator of the quality of the environment.

Focus area: Bioekonomi och hållbart nyttjande av naturresurser

Campus: Raseborg

Financers: Svenska kulturfonden

Project manager: Otto Långvik

Partners: CH-Bioforce