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NoICE - NoICE - Nordic Icing Center of Expertise

About the project

Primarily the project builds the foundation for a permanent competence center
that will help the private and public sector manage atmospheric icing problems.
The center's task is initially to assist in combating atmospheric icing
problems experienced by stakeholders in the Botnia Atlantica region, but later
the geographical operational area might expand. Secondly, the center will
conduct knowledge transfer of new icing control technologies by supporting
concerned stakeholders with course activities and educational opportunities
focusing on technologies to take control of the icing problems in their process

To reach this goal an across-industries communication network of companies and
organizations troubled by Nordic winter icing will be created. This will be
done with the assistance of local development groups in the Botnia Atlantica
regions in Finland and Sweden. The center will then use this network as a
channel for stakeholder communication and as a way to get feedback on specific
issues related to icing that are faced by the stakeholders. During the project
period a few common icing cases will be picked and the project parties will
work to find solutions to these. The results of the case studies will be shared
across the full network group. As the project advances the center will share
current state-of-the-art technologies in forecasting icing events, material
science approaches to ice-phobic surfaces and measurement technologies to
quantify icing.

The Icing Center can address ice on structures that forms when super-cooled
water droplets contact the material surfaces. This includes clear ice, freezing
rain, rime ice, mixed ice, frost ice and ice formed during supercooled large
droplet conditions. Accumulated snow cannot be considered

Contact persons:

Raili Häggblom
Phone: +358 50 4729 822

Andreas Willfors
Phone: +358 (0)44 780 5738


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Project ended
Period: 7.9.2018 - 10.3.2023
Focus area: Hållbar energiteknik
Campus: Vasa Wolffskavägen 33
Financers: Interreg - Botnia Atlantica, Österbottens förbund, Region Västerbotten
Partners: Umeå University, Luleå University of Technology, University of Vaasa. Tampere University of Technology