About the project
The MaDaMe project, co-funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2021-2027, drives the transition. The density of maritime traffic and transportation of dangerous cargoes by ships in congested waters of the Baltic Sea has grown. This demands new solutions for safe navigation and clean shipping at the Baltic Sea. The MaDaMe project supports national authorities that are responsible for maritime traffic management in developing common, cyber-secure, digital transport infrastructure services in the Baltic Sea Region.
The MaDaMe project aims to develop, pilot, and evaluate new digital information-sharing and messaging services for fairway navigation. These new digital services promote reliable information exchange. They are developed based on the IHO S-100 framework for digital services and products.
1. Digital Navigational Warnings – S124
2. Digital Aids to Navigation (AtoN) – S-125
3. Digital VTS (Vessel Traffic Services) services – S-212
The project utilizes MCP (Maritime Connectivity Platform) and SECOM to contribute to the cyber-security of the solutions. MaDaMe also utilizes, develops, and tests communication technologies for serving the targeted digital services, and establishing a connection between shore stations and vessels, enabling the data to be transferred during the pilotage stage of the project.
On the standardization aspect, the development of these fairway services will add to the technological maturity and standardization of the respective technical product specifications of the services under the IHO S-100 infrastructure. Results from the development of such specifications will contribute to the work of standardization organizations, classification societies and maritime authorities. Furthermore, MaDaMe supports HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan s4 by offering harmonized e-navigation services.
Novia’s role is to provide the consortium with ship simulation bridge equipment, and an S-100 compatible ECDIS test environment for the pilotage of the developed digital services. Novia also supports the pilotage phase by collecting user experience information and evaluating the usability of the developed and tested solutions. Novia also leads the dissemination stage of the project and ensures that the activities raise awareness on the possibilities that digital fairway solutions provide.
Turku University of Applied Sciences (FI)
Digital Maritime Consultancy (DK)
National Institute of Telecommunications (PL)
Sternula A/S (DK)
NavSim Poland Ltd. (PL)
Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency (FI)
Swedish Maritime Administration (SE)
Danish Maritime Authority (DK)
Fintraffic VTS (FI)
Associate Partners:
Maritime office in Gdynia (PL)
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom (FI)
The International association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Association (IALA)
Estonian Transport Administration (EE)
ESL Shipping (FI)
Comtech AB/Navelink (SE)