Novia Lill Nagels 240614 multifoto 53


Lill-Nägels Agroforestry Pilot Project

The Lill-Nägels Agroforestry Pilot Project (LillNAP) is implementing a successional agroforestry system to remediate degraded agricultural soil primarily through the monitoring and management of biodiversity. Our project launched in late June 2022 in Kirkkonummi, Finland, on a worn out agricultural field.

The project aims to produce quality food products from the first full growing season (2023) and help our partner farmer market them through a community supported agriculture model (CSA).

We wish to use this microsite to share the process of design, implementation, and management.

Photo credit: Johan Ljungqvist, Multifoto Ab Oy, June 14th, 2024

Upcoming Events

  • Open Day at Lill-Nägels. TBD: Keep an eye out on social media!

Past Events (Truncated)

  • Agroforestry Open Weekend. Saturday, May 18th, 2024. Two tours: 10-11 and 13-14. For full details, see our page on the Agroforestry Open Weekend webpage!
  • Novia Research Seminar, 23.03.2023. Online event. Joshua will present the LillNAP project under the title, "Successional agroforestry to bioremediate degraded soil: Lill-Nägels agroforestry project." Click here for the YouTube link.
  • Agroforestry Open Weekend 2023. Field Visit Saturday 20.05.2023. This will be an opportunity to visit the project in early spring. The Agroforestry Open Weekend is a concept started a few years ago in the British Isles for farms practicing agroforestry to open their doors to the public to learn more about the ideas. Click here for their home page (outside of Novia). Link to Facebook event with full details.
  • Workshop: Agroforestry in Finland, 13.06.2023. Workshop in the fields at Lill-Nägels. The main language will be Finnish, although my presentation will be in English with translation. Information below as well as a PDF (here) which you can download and share if you wish!Agroforestry Business Model Innovation Network – AF4EU kutsuu sinut osallistumaan agrometsätalouden innovaatioverkoston ensimmäiseen tapaamiseen!

    Oletko maanviljelijä, metsänomistaja, päätöksentekijä, yrittäjä, neuvoja tai muutoin kiinnostunut agrometsätaloudesta esimerkiksi kuluttajana? Tämä on sinun mahdollisuutesi osallistua agrometsätalouden innovaatioverkoston ensimmäiseen tapaamiseen, joka pidetään työpajana Lill-Nägelsin Agrometsätalouden Pilottikohteella Kirkkonummella. Tilaisuuden järjestää AF4EU-hanke yhteistyössä Novia-ammattikorkeakoulun Lill-Nägelsin Agrometsätalouden Pilottikohteen kanssa. Tervetuloa mukaan agrometsätalouden äärelle, keskustelemaan ja verkostoitumaan!

  • Site Visit/Open Day: June Open Day, 17.06.2023. Site tour and discussion at the Lill-Nägels Agroforestry Pilot Project site in Kirkkonummi.

  • Site Visit/Open Day: July Open Day, 30.07.2023. Site tour and discussion at the Lill-Nägels Agroforestry Pilot Project site in Kirkkonummi. Begins promptly at 15:00, ends at 17:00.
  • [Canceled] Site Visit/Open Day: August Open Day, 26.08.2023. Site tour and discussion at the Lill-Nägels Agroforestry Pilot Project site in Kirkkonummi. Begins promptly at 15:00, ends at 17:00.
  • Site Visit/Open Day: September Open Day, 30.09.2023. Site tour and discussion at the Lill-Nägels Agroforestry Pilot Project site in Kirkkonummi. Begins promptly at 14:00, ends at 16:00.
  • Final Seminar: The final seminar for the project was held Friday, 01.12.2023. We booked a hybrid classroom at Novia's campus in Tammisaari where we welcomed 57 people to join us online and in person.
  • Agroforestry in Nyland: Open Interest Event 1. Thursday, March 21, 2024. 10:15-11:30. Online through Microsoft Teams. Registration link.

Website Arrangement

This website has been laid out so that you can explore the project's conceptual background, the analysis that went into the site's design, in depth discussion about the design & management concepts, as well as follow current developments. I've created a timeline to share important milestones which are tagged with location and topic information to help you find what you are interested in. In addition, there is an "Alternative Choices" timeline that posits other ways to implement the same practice with attention being paid to mechanization. You can track the site's journey through data as well by looking at the multifaceted soil analyses and plant samples we make available as the project progresses.

If you wish to return to this home page, click the Novia Logo at the top left corner of each page

Note: The website is still under development and will take time to be fully functional. You may find text without hyperlinks and/or references to articles that are not yet available. That said, as soon as a subsection of the website is working well enough, you can begin to explore the topic by following the links provided in the table below:

2 Conceptual Background.Thumbnail

Conceptual Background

3c Lill Nagels Agroforestry Designs v4.3

Field Information

4 a Timeline Thumbnail


5 Alternative Choices.Thumbnail

Alternative Choices

6 Reports Publications.Thumbnail

Reports and publications

7 Soil Plant Analysis.Thumbnail

Soil & Plant Analysis


Project Funding

The project was originally funded by Stiftelsen Finlandssvenska Jordfonden and Novia UAS from 6.2022-12.2022. LillNAP has received additional funding from Uusimaa's Centre for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment (ELY-Keskus), Jordfonden, and Novia UAS for the calendar year of 2023.

From 2024-2026, this project is funded through the "Agroforestry in Nyland" development project. The project site is NylAF's Work Package 3. Funding is provided from the European Union through Uusimaa's Centre for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment (ELY-Keskus) and Novia UAS.